Outbound Recruiting

for start-ups and small to mid-sized businesses

Outpace the competition and deliver more hires in half the time with the all new end-to-end solution to make your businessEZ.
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In just a few years, we've seen seismic shifts in the talent market and today it's a candidate-driven world. Traditional job boards are ridiculously slow and outdated hiring processes just can't keep up.
Trusted by 200k+ users
Go from empty roles to “I'd like to introduce our new team member” in half the time.
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Save 30%

$169 per mo
  • AI Sourcing with unlimited search
    General filter
    Company filter
    Education filter
    Language filter
  • 100 contact credits per month
  • 30 days free trial when eligible
  • Unlimited boolean builder
  • Unlimited projects
  • Single and sequence email engagement
    Email integration (Gmail, Outlook, and more)
    Bulk email sending
    Email template, tracking, and insights
    Send on behalf of hiring managers
  • Chrome extension
    Contact search
    Boolean builder
    Google search enhancement
    Similar candidates
  • Recruiter team collaboration (up to 3)
  • Hiring manager collaboration Limited time free!
    Job kickoff/intake
    Candidate profile review
    Send on behalf of hiring managers
Let's Go
$1,428 per yr
30% Discount off Monthly Price
  • AI Sourcing with unlimited search
    General filter
    Company filter
    Education filter
    Language filter
  • 1200 contact credits per year
  • 30 days free trial when eligible
  • Unlimited boolean builder
  • Unlimited projects
  • Single and sequence email engagement
    Email integration (Gmail, Outlook, and more)
    Bulk email sending
    Email template, tracking, and insights
    Send on behalf of hiring managers
  • Chrome extension
    Contact search
    Boolean builder
    Google search enhancement
    Similar candidates
  • Recruiter team collaboration (up to 3)
  • Hiring manager collaboration Limited time free!
    Job kickoff/intake
    Candidate profile review
    Send on behalf of hiring managers
Let's Go
Looking for Enterprise Solutions? Click Here.
EZ Intake and Collaborate

Be on the same page. Work together. Hire smarter. Hire faster.

Supercharge your intake process. Collaborate with hiring team members in real-time about job descriptions and role requirements.

Get team alignment up front to help inform your sourcing strategy with clear expectations from Day 1.
Hiring Team
Candidate Review
hireEZ Sourcing interface

Quickly define and find your next top talent team members.

Automate your search for top talent with EZ Sourcing and uncover a comprehensive view into more than 800 million candidates from more than 45 open web platforms.

Get the talent market visibility you need to proactively target the right candidates at the right time and build a scalable, data-driven recruiting plan to get ahead of the competition.
AI Sourcing
Profile Insights
Boolean Builder

Boost candidate engagement with your most sought-after talent.

Directly engage with qualified talent and increase response rates with verified contact info, automated & branded drip campaigns, comprehensive performance tracking, and more.

EZ Engagement is your built-in email marketing platform for all your recruitment marketing needs.
Email Campaign
Email Delegation
Engagement Tracking
A Top Choice for Quality Support on G2
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Frequently asked questions
Admin/Recruiter/Hiring Manager
Can I subscribe to the plan monthly?
Yes, the monthly subscription is USD $169 per month per seat.
Can I upgrade to the yearly subscription anytime?
Yes definitely! You could upgrade to the yearly subscription at any time from the Subscription page here. The annual price is USD$1,428/year/seat (aka $119/month/seat ).
If you've just purchased the monthly plan, the system will only charge the prorated payment.
How many credits can I get from the plan?
100 contact credits per recruiter seat per month
1200 contact credits per recruiter seat per year

*Note: You can add extra credits with the price $75/100 credits.
I've just got charged (or I am still in the trial), can I change the yearly option to monthly directly?
No, for the subscription users, you may need to contact support@hireez.com for that.
For users who are still in the trial, you may cancel your trial to the free version and re-upgrade to the monthly plan afterwards.
Who is responsible for team payment?
Admin. First user who signs up for the Business tier will become the admin automatically - this person should already put in the credit card information in the billing form when signing up.
What are the differences between different roles?
  • Recruiter - $169/month/seat or $1,428/year/seat The Recruiter seat has all the general sourcing and engagement functions as the admin, except the team management and payment.
  • Admin - $169/month/seat or $1,428/year/seat Since Admin is a special type of recruiter and the first user who signs up for the Business tier, the system will not charge the extra for this role.
  • Hiring Manager - free for now The hiring manager can be invited by any recruiter (including admins) of the team.
Ready to make your business stronger with Outbound Recruiting?
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Coming in June, but Sign up today and receive 20% off of the annual subscription rate and get the latest on hireEZ Business